how can we see visitors in facebook profile 2018 Trick


In this article you will get the info about new Facebook trick.
how to trace your Facebook profile visitors.

Follow The Following Step's.
First of all open your Facebook Profile.

Step 1)  Open your Facebook Profile.

Step 2)   Press ctrl + u from your keyboard.When you press ctrk + u new window open and you will                  see the source code of your profile.
Step 3)   Now you need to do.Press ctrl+f from your keyboard.When you press ctrl+u you will find                   search field.

 Step 4)   Now search this code "list".


Step 6)  Now you will find number of id's who recently visit on your profile.

Step 7)   Now if you will find the profile of visitor open new tab copy any one of id.

Step 8)     Past The code like This.


Enjoy Trick......!!!!!

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